Friday, June 6, 2008

Reunion Deadlines

Hello everyone!

Here is the list of deadlines as of today:

We need all answers and pictures by June 12.
Anything submitted after this date will only be in the electronic version of the book. Please make sure the images you send me are high enough quality to print (at least 200ppi)--if you need help with this, feel free to ask me. If you need a copy of the questionnaire, you can download it from our website ( Email your answers and picture(s) to me.

RSVP deadline is June 20.
The exception, of course, is those who did not hear about our reunion until afterward. We need to order our gifts for the reunion next week, so those who RSVP "yes" by Monday, June 9, will be guaranteed their gift(s). Those who RSVP "yes" after this date will only receive the gift(s) if we have any extra.

If you can only attend one of the events (Picnic Gathering or Evening Gathering), let us know which you will be coming to. At this point, too, if you have not told us you are coming to the reunion, we are assuming that you are not attending either event--so please let us know otherwise.

If you are wondering if we have your "official" RSVP, look at the Classmates page of our website ( Names followed by "???" are people we do not have an official answer from. An official answer is one that was received in the last couple of weeks, not one that was part of the March email where we were trying to get an idea of how many people to plan for. If your name is not on either list ("Attending" or "Not Attending"), we have not received an RSVP. If your name is on the wrong list, please let us know.

I am sorry that I didn't get this email sent out sooner, but I was waiting until we knew exactly what the cost would be for the reunion. However, we haven't heard back from several people who said they might be coming, so that affects the cost quite a bit. If enough of these people say they are coming, then we need to reserve a larger room (higher cost), order more items (potentially lower cost because of quantity), etc. If enough people decide that they won't be able to make it, then we can stay with our current reservation, etc. I have asked them to reply by Monday, so hopefully we will be able to get you the final cost next week. I can say, though, that it will be less than $30 per person if paid by the due date. Those who sent us their RSVP by May 28 will receive the lowest cost.

Payment for the reunion is due by June 21 (not June 7). If you have already told us you are coming, you may pay at the door but there will be an additional fee.

Thank you for your patience and we hope to see you soon! Let me know if you have any questions!

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